Safety, Health & Environmental Care


We at Energon take up safety as first and foremost requirement for all our employees, visitors, contractors working at our premises. Focus given on risk assessment, SOP rollout, training, implementation of safety practices, safety audit to improve and sustain the safety standards beyond the statutory requirements.


We at Energon ensure health of the employees are given top priority. Upkeepment of good health is ensured by giving appropriate PPE as per the work area, shower room with inhouse uniform washing facility and periodic monitoring by a medical team. Focus given on training the employees on good practices for upkeepment of good health.


We at Energon are committed to protect the environment and adhere to all the statutory and regulatory requirements stated by MPCB and other regulatory bodies. Focus given on reuse, reduce, recycle for efficient use of raw material, and follow ZLD to ensure the environment is protected. Continual improvement practice is encouraged to reduce the usage of natural resources like water through reuse after treatment at inhouse facility.

Comprehensive environmental aspect and impact study conducted on processes and all relevant engineering controls are in place to contain the sources of hazardous waste generation thereby preventing land, water, and air contaminations.